Dissemination activities
Dias, L. P., Vales, M. A., Seixas, J., Truninger, M., Schmidt, L., Oliveira, R., Graça, J., “CitySelfy Project Approach: Investigating City-Scale Water-Energy-Food Modeling”. (2023) Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environmental Systems (SDEWES) 24th-29th September, 2023, (online) Dubrovnik

Dias, L. P., Vales, M. A., Seixas, J., Truninger, M., Graça, J. (2023). “Powering Up or Investing Out: Examining city resident’s willingness to consume and pay for locally produced renewable electricity”. 11th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD 2023), 18th-20th September 2023 (online) New York, USA.

Dias, L. P., Vales, M. A., Seixas, J., Truninger, M., Schmidt, L., Oliveira, R., Graça, J., (2023). “City integrated water-energy-food futures – CitySelfy project and stakeholders co-creation process”. XII Congresso Português de Sociologia 4-6 April, 2023, Coimbra (https://xii-congresso-aps.eventqualia.net/en/2023/home/)

Vales, M. A., Dias, L. P., Seixas, J., Truninger, M., Schmidt, L., Oliveira, R., Graça, J. (2023). “Transição para a sustentabilidade e autossuficiência do nexus água-energia-alimento no município de Cascais: resultados do inquérito à população”. XII Congresso Português de Sociologia 4-6 April, 2023, Coimbra (https://xii-congresso-aps.eventqualia.net/en/2023/home/)

Dias, L.P., Seixas, J. (2023) “CitySelfy project – Assessing the self-sufficiency of natural resources at local scale as a driver for sustainability transition: the case of water-energy-food nexus”. “Science CHANGing Policy” 2 June 2023. Colégio Luís António Verney, University of Évora Portugal http://hdl.handle.net/10174/35502

Dias, L. P., Vales, M. A., Seixas, J., Truninger, M., Schmidt, L., Oliveira, R., Graça, J., Fortes, 2022. CitySelfy – Avaliação da auto-suficiência de recursos naturais à escala local como promotor da transição para a sustentabilidade: o caso do nexus água-energia-alimentos. NOVA SUSTAINABILITY WEEK, 12 – 16 September 2022, NOVA Campolide Campus

Dias, L. P., Vales, M. A., Seixas, J., Truninger, M., Schmidt, L., Oliveira, R., Graça, J., Fortes, 2022. CitySelfy – Avaliação da auto-suficiência de recursos naturais à escala local como promotor da transição para a sustentabilidade: o caso do nexus água-energia-alimentos. NOVA SUSTAINABILITY WEEK, 12 – 16 September 2022, NOVA Campolide Campus

Dias L.P., Seixas, J. Cities water-energy-food systems sustainability transformation and resource equitable access. The Lisbon Early-Career Workshop in Urban Studies: Urban Futures, Urban Transitions ONLINE ICS Lisbon. 29 november – 2 december, 2021. https://www.ics.ulisboa.pt/en/workshops/lisbon-early-career-workshop-urban-studies-urban-futures-urban-transitions-1st-edition

Dias, L. P., Seixas, J., Truninger, M., Schmidt, L., Oliveira, R., Graça, J., Fortes, P. 2021. Modelling Local Water-Energy-Food Nexus for Self-Sufficiency Assessment. WEFE NEXUS Science Advances Conference. Online from Nicosi, Cyprus. 27-29 September 2021. https://wefe-nexus-medconf-2021.eu

Dias, L. P., Seixas, J., Truninger, M., Schmidt, L., Oliveira, R., Graça, J., Fortes, P. CitySelfy Project and the sustainable transition of water-energy-food nexus in urban areas. Consumer Conference 2021 – Sustainability. Consumption. Online NOVA Consumer Lab. 21-22 April 2021. https://novaconsumerlab.novalaw.unl.pt/consumer-conference/

CitySelfy - Workshop 1
CitySelfy – Workshop 1: one-day structured workshop with city stakeholders
1 – Raise awareness about interlinkages among water-energy-food, focusing on the opportunities and challenges of the interdependence of resources’ use, in terms of sustainability
2 – Co-creation of future scenarios for the municipality WEF resources self-sufficiency and sustainable transitions;

Outreach activities
MY NEXUS - Know your water-energy-food nexus [Conhece o teu nexus Água-Energia-Alimento]

My-nexus dissemination activity was developed to present CitySelfy research scope and work to high school students and increase project societal impact. The activity aims to inform, in a didactic approach, aspects related with environmental sustainability within the municipal water-energy-food system, as part of the broader efforts conducted within the CitySelfy project. The activity will consist of two main components:
- The first component involves enlightening students about concepts related to energy services, water consumption and food indirect environment impacts, illustrating their connection to their daily activities through an interactive Q&A session (using mentimeter).
- The second component entail showing the integrated WEF perspective by connecting the Q&A results and correspondent connections.